Delete data in the frontend

Is it possible to delete data in the frontend?

Joomla articles cannot be deleted in the frontend even as a super user

Joomla articles cannot be deleted in the frontend, even as a super user. In our opinion, deleting data records is an administrative act that should only be possible in the administration with the appropriate rights. We think this restriction has, among other things, something to do with the following risk.

It can happen at any time that someone sets the user rights on their site too openly and generously. This may have been intentional or it may have happened purely by accident. This increases the risk that the entire site can be broken via the front end.

Not possible directly in Visforms

For the reasons above, it is not possible to delete records directly in the frontend in Visforms either.

So the clean process is that:

  • the user deactivates the data records in the frontend and then
  • an administrator deletes these records in the backend.

Possible in Visforms using: publish or hide data record

Note: These features are part of the Visforms Subscription and are not included in the free Visforms version.

However, with the Automatically delete data feature, there is a suitable way to automate the deletion of data records in this case too.
More about this in: Automatically delete data.

The deletion process can be automated using the setting Only delete records that have the status “hidden” (not published).
More about this in: Only delete records that have a hidden (unpublished) status.

The process now works as follows:

  • The user sets a record to “hidden” (not published) in the frontend.
  • The next time the correspondingly configured plugins are automatically run, this data record will be removed from the database.