Menu navigation

The Visforms component is located in the Jooma menu directly under the menu item ‘Components’. The menu items of the Visforms component allow access to a wide variety of areas, which are summarized in an overview below.

Static menu items

The Visforms component has several static menu items in the Jooma menu.

Note: Static menu items always appear.


The dashboard provides the following at the top level:

  • Getting started: Create a new form.
  • Getting started: Central list of the first steps.
  • Access to Subscription and download-ID management.
  • Central information and configurations.
  • Important access to documentation and forum.


The form list provides central access to everything that is directly related to all or a single form:

  • List of all forms.
  • Overview of important form information.
  • Overview of fields, data, PDF templates of a form.
  • Access to the lists of fields, data, PDF templates of a form.
  • Opening a form for configuration.
  • Creating and exporting a form.
  • Selection boxes for applying the actions to multiple forms at the same time.

Form Factory

The Form Factory enables the central, quick creation of a new, complete form in one step:

  • Creating the form, including important basic options.
  • Creating the fields in one step, including important basic options.
  • Creating the fields in one step, according to choice and modification from predefined field lists.
  • Direct access to creating the various menus for the form.
  • Direct access to editing the fields created for the form.
  • Direct access to creating PDF templates for the form.
  • Creating sample data for the form for testing purposes.


The inspector provides a central overview of important technical details of the installation and the server environment:

  • Checking the installation and listing missing files.
  • Visforms relevant settings in the PHP configuration.
  • Visforms relevant settings in the SQL Server configuration.
  • Visforms log entries.

Dynamic menu items

The Visforms component has additional dynamic menu items below the fixed menu items if a form is selected. Dynamic menu items always refer to the currently selected form. The current form is usually the last form selected.

Note: Dynamic menu items appear after a form has been selected.

Form fields

The field list provides central access to everything that is directly related to all or a single form field:

  • List of all fields for a form.
  • Opening a form field for configuration.
  • Overview of important field information.
  • Setting the field order in the form.
  • Setting the field order in the data view in the frontend.
  • Activating and deactivating entire fields.

Form PDF Templates

The PDF template list provides central access to everything that is directly related to all or a single PDF template of the form:

  • List of all PDF templates for a form.
  • Opening a PDF template for configuration.
  • Overview of important PDF template information.
  • Activating and deactivating entire PDF templates.

Form data

The data list provides central access to everything that is directly related to all or a single data record of the form:

  • List of all data records (user submissions, form data).
  • Opening a data record for modification.
  • Overview of important data record information.