Send Emails

Result mail to you (admin) and user mail

You can send a result mail for you (administrator) and a user mail for the website user. A user email can only be sent if the form contains an email field and the user has entered a valid email address there.

Shipping is disabled by default

The sending of emails is deactivated by default. You must first provide some required information so that Visforms can send emails. Then activate the email dispatch. This is done in the form configuration on the “Mail Options” tab.

Design and control each email recipient type separately

There is a full set of result mail options under Result Mail Options and a full set of user mail options under Email to Your Website User Options. Each email type can thus be designed and controlled individually.

The options are divided into two areas:

  • Options to control email sending
  • Options to control message content

Options to control email sending

Result mail

User mail

Options for controlling the email dispatch can be found above the “Result Mail Text”/“User Mail Text” editor input field.

Set the option Send email to “yes” if you want to send an email of the respective type.

Required fields

In order for Visforms to be able to send a result email or a user email, you must first enter a Sender email address and a Recipient email address.

Sender address

Enter the sender email address in the Sender email option. Please note that the domain part of the sender email address should always correspond to the domain of the website. Emails sent from a website are subject to particularly strict monitoring with regard to spam. Matching the domain is an important criterion here.

Recipient address

Enter the recipient email address in the Mail To option. You can store exactly one recipient email address. In the case of user mail, the recipient email address is automatically taken from the data that the user entered in the form. If there are multiple email fields on your form, the user input from the first filled-in email field will be used.

Additional information

You should also enter a Sender Name (e.g. your company name) and an Email Subject. You can also use user input from the form in the subject. Simply add a field placeholder to the subject text. This is automatically replaced with the value that the user entered in the appropriate field on the form.

The placeholder has the following format:

  • open square brackets,
  • name of the form field (option Name from the field configuration) in capital letters,
  • close square brackets.

For example [FIRSTNAME] for the user input in the field with the name firstname.

Result mail

CC and BCC

If required, you can send the result mail to additional recipients via “CC” (Carbon Copy) or “BCC” (Blind Carbon Copy). In the options Mail CC and Mail BCC you can also enter more than one email address. In this case, please separate email addresses with a comma.

Reply address from the email field

Visforms automatically adds a reply address to the result mail (to the administrator) if the form has an email field and the user has entered an email address there. This reply address is used if you use the “reply” functionality of your email program to reply to the result email. The response is then automatically addressed to the form user’s email address.

User mail

Note: Sending a custom email to the form sender requires at least one form field of type Email. It is not enough to give a text field the title or the name "E-Mail".

Reply address from the configuration

Visforms sets the reply address of the user email according to the configuration from the Reply to email parameter. This reply address is used when you use the “Reply” functionality of your email program to reply to the result email. The reply is then automatically addressed to the email address of the form user.

An individual reply address in connection with the correct domain-specific sender address is what is usually used and expected. In addition, it is possible to insert the reply address as a placeholder in the email subject.

Sender address from the configuration

Visforms deliberately prevents the address from the email field of the form from being used as the ‘From address’.
Look again at the section Mandatory fields: Sender’s address further up on this page.

Control of message content

Two different and separate areas each contribute their part to the message content.
Both areas can be activated separately and extensively configured:

  • Configuring the generated message content as a data list.
    • Automatic generation of a configurable data list.
    • The configurable data list is behind the individual message content.
    • Activation is done via the
      form option Send data = Yes
      on the Mail Options and Edit Mail Options tab.
    • Individual fields can be excluded from the data list in the field configuration
    • Individual fields can be given a different label in the field configuration for the data list in the
      field option Different label for emails
      on the Advanced tab.
    • There are options for including meta information from the form record in the data list.
  • Configuring the individual message content as free text.
    • A freely editable and formattable text as a text template with optional placeholders.
    • The individual message content is placed before the configurable data list.
    • Activation is done by entering a formattable text in the
      form option Result Mail Text and User Mail Text
      on the Mail Options and Edit Mail Options tabs.
    • The text can be formatted using the editor.
    • Placeholders can be inserted using the editor menu or manually.
    • The placeholders have additional options (display as: value, label, label plus space, display as a list, etc.).
    • There are placeholders for form fields and meta information about the form record.

Configuring the generated message content as a data list

Result mail

User mail

User input in message body

Visforms offers you a bundle of options with which you can easily, quickly and clearly integrate the transmitted user input into the message content. You will find these options below the “Result Mail Text”/“User Mail Text” editor input field.

The Insert Data ID, Insert Creation Time, Insert Form Title and Insert IP options allow you to choose whether or not to automatically insert this important information into the body of the message.

Using the two options Send data and Exclude empty fields, you can easily integrate the transmitted data into the message text.

Option: send data

If this option is activated, Visforms adds a line to the message content for each form field. The user input of the respective field is displayed in the format “Field label: User input” per line. If a user has not entered a field in the form, only the label is displayed.

Option: Exclude empty fields

If this option is activated, then all rows with fields that remained empty in the form will be suppressed in the listing generated by the Submit data option. These are both conditional fields that are not visible due to the user’s input on the form, and fields that contain no input. Please note that fields containing the value 0 will still be listed.

If the body of an email contains a clickable linked email address, this increases the risk of an email being blocked as spam. We therefore recommend disabling this option. If this option is activated, then Visforms inserts all entries made in email fields as clickable email addresses.

File Upload Files

If your form has fields that allow the user to upload files, then you can enable the File Upload Files option. In this case, the uploaded files will be sent as an email attachment.

If this option is activated, a link to the uploaded file is inserted for fields of the “File upload” type.

Exclude fields in data listing

The ability to set the field configuration to exclude a field in the mail’s data listing completes the simple and fast configuration of user input in the message content. You can find these options in the field configuration on the “Advanced” tab and can use them to exclude any field from the data listing individually.

Configuring the individual message content as free text

Two editors

If you control the message content using the above options, you have little control over the appearance of the message content. For example, you cannot use highlights, affect order, or set line spacing. That’s why Visforms also offers the option of completely customizing the message content of mails. This is done via the editor in the two text areas of the options Result Mail Text or User Email Text.

Any text & placeholder

You can enter any individual text (including images and links) for the mail here and design it using the editor controls. Use the “Visforms Fields” editor button to insert placeholders for the user input in the form anywhere in the text. These placeholders are replaced with the entries that the user made in the form. More on this in: Data in emails and success message.

Of course, you can combine all options for easy and quick configuration of the message content with an individual message text. This way you will get the best result.

Additional features of the Visforms Subscription

The Visforms Subscription also offers you some advanced email features:

Problems sending emails

Emails that don’t arrive as expected are the most obvious place when something isn’t working correctly. When something doesn’t work somewhere in the entire form submission process. Or if there is something wrong with the Joomla installation itself.

Within Visforms, sending emails is a very stable and bug-free functionality. Many problems related to sending and receiving emails have causes that are not directly related to Visforms.

Numerous players

There really are a lot of players involved in the email sending workflow. These are in particular:

  • Joomla itself,
  • the webmailer used,
  • the email provider,
  • the email client,
  • IP black lists and
  • various spam filters.

It is often the configuration of these players that is responsible for email not arriving as expected. These areas are not part of the Visforms code. They are the responsibility of the respective administrator.


Note: Please go through the following checklist if you have problems sending emails.

  • Make sure that you have understood all the configuration settings for sending emails and have set them correctly.
  • Check that the form is being submitted.
    Set the “Save data” option for the form to “yes”.
    More on this in: Save and use data.
    If the form is being submitted correctly, a record is now saved in the data table each time.
    If the data cannot be saved, the error is not with the email being sent, but earlier.
  • Make sure that the mailer on your system is correctly configured and working.
    Visforms passes the completed email directly to Joomla!, which takes care of the actual sending.
    The mailer configuration is located under Joomla Dashboard » System » Configuration » ‘Server’ tab, ‘Emailing’ group.
  • Actively test the mailer’s functionality with another Joomla functionality, e.g. when registering as a user.
  • In particular, a Joomla-internal test of email sending should be carried out by clicking on the Send test email button.
    The Send test email button is located under Joomla Dashboard » System » Configuration » ‘Server’ tab, ‘Emailing’ group.
  • You can determine from a log entry that there was an error in the email transfer.
    More on this further down the page: Logging in the event of an error.

Blocked as spam

If all the above tests are positive, then the problem is usually because the emails are being blocked as spam. We continuously strive to design the emails generated by Visforms in such a way that they meet the standards. Please also note the relevant information in the descriptions of some email options.

Therefore, the reason why the emails are blocked as spam is usually not due to Visforms. It is much more due to the server configuration or firewall settings of the receiving email system, for example. In this case, please contact your provider.

Spam filters with points system

Many providers use email spam filters that work according to a points system. There is a set of filters and each filter is associated with a number of counting points. If the total number of points calculated by all filters for an email is above a threshold, then the email is considered spam and blocked.

High points through “ReplyTo” header

We have learned that some spam filters give high points if a freemail address is included in the “ReplyTo” header. So if a user with a freemail account (Gmail, freemail, etc.) fills out the form, the limit will be exceeded and the resulting mail will be blocked as spam. You can usually configure this limit yourself. In this case, it can therefore make sense to set the limit value a little higher (e.g. from the default value of 5 to 6).

Logging in the event of an error

If an error occurs when generating and transferring the finished email from Visforms to the Joomla mailer object, Visforms writes a log entry in a log file with all the necessary information. You can use a log entry to determine that there was an error in the email transfer and what exactly the error was.

The log file is located at the following location in the file system: administrator/logs/visforms_submit.php

Note: If there is no log entry for the email in question, Visforms has successfully transferred the email to Joomla. The reason for the email not being received therefore lies elsewhere, after the email was transferred to Joomla. Visforms has no influence on the subsequent process up to the receipt of the email.