
Getting started with creating the form and all about the generic form factory

About the form component
Extend your Joomla website with custom forms and a few things you should know about visforms and forms first
Getting Started to View
The form, the fields, the submit button and the display of the form
Submit & Reset-Button
Submit and Reset-Button are separate form fields that you can create and design yourself
Success Page and Success Message
As actions after successfully submitting the form, you can specify redirects to any page and individual result texts
Save and display data
After successfully submitting the form, you can save and edit the form data. In order to display the data in the frontend, form data must first be actively published.
Form Factory
A central place to quickly create a new form with all its fields in one step
Import Breezing Forms
You can import your Breezingforms forms including saved data into Visforms. The import can transfer many definitions to Visforms, but not all.