Die Subscription Plugins erweitern die Anzeige von Formular und Daten und erweitern die Möglichkeiten mit Mail-Adressen, Mail-Anhängen und Redirects
Form View
Mit dem Content Plugin 'Form View' fügen Sie Formulare in Beiträge oder Module vom Typ 'Eigenes HTML' ein
Data View
The 'Content Plugin Data View' allows you much more flexibility in the display of data
Mail attachments
With the 'Mail Attachments' plugin you can add file attachments to your emails. This includes formatted email content as a PDF file, submitted form data as a CSV file or any number of other file attachments.
Frontend Web Assets
With the 'Frontend Webassets' plugin you add custom JavaScript and CSS to the page. The input is form-specific directly in the form configuration.
Data connections
With the two plugins 'Visforms - Web interfaces - Form' and 'Visforms - Web interfaces - Field' you can transfer the form data to web interfaces after submitting the form.