

Note: These features are part of the Visforms Subscription and are not included in the free Visforms version.

The plugin string is not replaced

This error can have the following causes:

  • The plugin is not installed.
  • The plugin is not activated.
  • When used in the module:
    The module option “Prepare content” is not activated.
  • Typo in the plugin’s enveloping section:
    The plugin string must start with {vfdataview} and end with {/vfdataview}.

The plugin string disappears but nothing is displayed at all

Another reason for this behavior can be that the access level for the data display in the frontend does not match the access level of the article in which the data is displayed. Changes are made in the form configuration on the “Data display in the frontend” tab in the “Access level group” option.

Suppose you have set the access level for displaying the form data in the frontend to “Registered” but the article itself is “Public”. In this case, the form data is only displayed when a logged-in user views the article.

Users who are not logged-in cannot see the data. If necessary, you can insert a corresponding note in the text of your article.

The plugin string disappears but no data is displayed

This error can have many causes. It is most common when the form, fields, or data are not properly prepared.
Read the following instructions again: First Steps.
Make sure you have made all settings correctly.

Possible causes are:

  • The form option Allow frontend data view is not activated.
    You can find this in the form configuration on the “Frontend data display” tab in the “Allow frontend data view” option.
  • The transmitted data are not published.
    Go to the data view for the form in your website administration and check if the data is published.
    The data is published when there is a green tick in the “Published” column of the table.
  • If you want all transmitted data to be published automatically, you must activate the “Publish data automatically” option on the “Data display in frontend” tab in the form configuration.
  • The field option Display in frontend is not activated.
    You can find this in the field configuration on the “Advanced” tab in the “Display in frontend” option.
  • No data has been submitted yet.
  • Mandatory parameters in the plugin string are incorrect or missing.
    At a minimum, you must pass the form ID and a list of fields whose values you want to display as parameters.
    Re-read the following section about plugin parameters: Parameter List.
  • Spelling error in parameter name or incorrect parameter values.
    Re-read the following section about plugin parameters: Parameter List.